Six of Wands

Meaning: Victory, success.

Depiction: The Pequod successfully outruns the Malay pirates who've been pursuing it. Six harpoons are visible on the ship.

Text: Chapter 87- The Grand Armada
But thoughts like these troubled very few of the reckless crew; and when, after steadily dropping and dropping the pirates astern, the Pequod at last shot by the vivid green Cockatoo Point on the Sumatra side, emerging at last upon the broad waters beyond; then, the harpooneers seemed more to grieve that the swift whales had been gaining upon the ship, than to rejoice that the ship had so victoriously gained upon the Malays.

Among Malay Pirates (A Tale of Adventure and Peril): G. A. Henty ...

This is another tough one, as Moby Dick contains very few if any victories - but evading the pirates definitely counts.

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