XIV. Temperance


Meaning: Balance, peace, patience and moderation.

Depiction: Captain Boomer,  the British captain who lost his hand to Moby Dick and now wants nothing more to do with him. This card shows Boomer on the deck of the Samuel Enderby, looking content, his whalebone mallet hand clearly visible, as Moby Dick's white tail retreats.

Text:  Chapter 100, Leg and Arm

“No, thank ye, Bunger,” said the English Captain, “he’s welcome to the arm he has, since I can’t help it, and didn’t know him then; but not to another one. No more White Whales for me; I’ve lowered for him once, and that has satisfied me. There would be great glory in killing him, I know that; and there is a ship-load of precious sperm in him, but, hark ye, he’s best let alone; don’t you think so, Captain?”—glancing at the ivory leg.

Comments: This is a challenging one. But I think Captain Boomer's wise forbearance from joining in Ahab's monomaniacal style of vengeance best embodies the spirit of the card.

Alternate Depiction: Aunt Charity, Bildad's sister, seems like a good choice because she is literally all about temperance, doing everything she can to prevent alcohol consumption aboard ship.

Free Images : work, hand, rope, wing, technology, cable, steel ...

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