XIX. The Sun


Meaning: Success, happiness, contentment.

Depiction: Pip, pre-madness, sits in repose on the deck of the Pequod, tambourine in hand but not playing.  He looks content- he is enjoying his life at sea and more freedom than he'd have back on land. The sun shines in the sky above him.

Text: Chapter 93, The Castaway
But Pip loved life, and all life’s peaceable securities...

File:John William Godward - Repose, The Flower Girl, 1899.jpg ...
John William Godward. Repose-The Flower Girl (1899)

Comments: Pip is the youngest crew member and a joyful youth until he falls overboard, so he's a good choice for this card. His age is never stated, but I think of him as about 12 - 14; just old enough so that he wouldn't miss his parents (whom we know nothing about). 

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