Eight of Cups

Meaning: time for change or transition, by means of walking away from something (Labyrinthos)
Depiction:  Rear view of Ahab, sitting on his ivory stool, tossing his pipe into the evening sea. Eight  cups are balanced on the quarterdeck behind him.
Text: Chapter 30 - The Pipe
He tossed the still lighted pipe into the sea. The fire hissed in the waves; the same instant the ship shot by the bubble the sinking pipe made. With slouched hat, Ahab lurchingly paced the planks.
Vintage Medico V.F.Q. Imported Briar Tobacco Pipe, Made In… | Flickr

Comments:  Ahab realizes a change has come over him as the pipe's smoke "no longer soothes." He has to walk away from everything that might detract from his monomaniacal quest.

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