Six of Swords

Meaning: Moving on; the solution of current problems (Wikipedia)

Depiction: Ahab fixes his lightning-damaged compass by replacing the needle. Five lances are lying on the ground before him: the sixth is missing its head as it was used for the needle to rest on as it was hammered.

Text: Chapter 124 - The Needle 
At first, the steel went round and round, quivering and vibrating at either end; but at last it settled to its place, when Ahab, who had been intently watching for this result, stepped frankly back from the binnacle, and pointing his stretched arm towards it, exclaimed,—“Look ye, for yourselves, if Ahab be not lord of the level loadstone! The sun is East, and that compass swears it!
A fine 19th century small boat compass by Robert Merrill of New ...
Comments: This is a good passage for showing just how resourceful Ahab is able to be if it furthers his own ends.

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