Eight of Pentacles

Meaning:  Work, craftsmanship, steady patience (Wikipedia)

Depiction: From his  open air vice-bench across from the try-works, the carpenter plies his trade. Just like in the RWS card (but on a ship!), he chisels a gold coin. The other seven  doubloons of the suit are scattered about him on the deck.

Text: Chapter 107- The Carpenter
But, besides the application to him of the generic remark above, this carpenter of the Pequod was singularly efficient in those thousand nameless mechanical emergencies continually recurring in a large ship, upon a three or four years’ voyage, in uncivilized and far-distant seas. For not to speak of his readiness in ordinary duties:—repairing stove boats, sprung spars, reforming the shape of clumsy-bladed oars, inserting bull’s eyes in the deck, or new tree-nails in the side planks, and other miscellaneous matters more directly pertaining to his special business; he was moreover unhesitatingly expert in all manner of conflicting aptitudes, both useful and capricious.

Axes and Adzes - USS Constitution Museum
Axes and adzes - USS Constitution Museum
Comments: This card could not be a more perfect fit for the unnamed carpenter of the Pequod.

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