Seven of Pentacles

Meaning: Harvest, rewards, result. (Labyrinthos)

Depiction: Three boats in tandem tow a vanquished whale by night; Ishmael, rowing, looks behind him at their harvest. The boats are studded with seven doubloons.

Text: Chapter  64- Stubb's Supper
Stubb’s whale had been killed some distance from the ship. It was a calm; so, forming a tandem of three boats, we commenced the slow business of towing the trophy to the Pequod.

 Comments: There's so much ink devoted to  harvesting different parts of the whale in Moby Dick, but I wanted to focus on the immediate aftermath of the hunt for the purpose of this card.
File:FMIB 36333 Towing the Whale Home- In sperm whaling the catch ...

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